Term and holiday dates

School Terms 2025

Term One - Monday 3 February to Friday 11 April

Term Two - Monday 28 April to Friday 27 June

Term Three - Monday 14 July to Friday 19 September

Term Four - Monday 6 October to Wednesday 17 December

Statutory Holidays 2025

Term One:

Waitangi Day – Thursday 6 February

Good Friday – 18 April, Easter Monday - 21 April

Easter Tuesday - 22 April (fall within the school holiday)

ANZAC Day - Friday 25 April (falls within the school holiday)

Term Two:

King’s Birthday – Monday 2 June

Matariki - Friday June 20

Term Three:


Term Four:

Labour Day – Monday 27 October

Canterbury Anniversary Day - Friday 14 November

Venue hire

We have several facilities for hire for a wide range of functions. Learn more.

Board of Trustees

The Board is elected for a three-year term. They are community members just like you. Meet the Board.

School calendar

Our school calendar is a live document. Check back frequently for the most accurate information.

You can also access the calendar via our School App.

Note: Events marked with SO are ‘staff only events’. TBC indicates a planned event which is ‘to be confirmed’.

New parents

Got a five year old about to start school? Use this form for provisional enrolment. To ask questions email admin@waimairi.school.nz

All other year levels Complete this enrolment form and email admin@waimairi.school.nz.

Home zone view our enrolment zone

Parent Information Booklet

Behaviour management

Behaviour management. Currently under review


You can access our polices and procedures* Username: waimairi Password: tillman

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Our people

We have a great team of people here at Waimairi School. Meet our staff.